I accompanied my sister-in-law in a business transaction once aboard a cargo ship they were commissioned to do repairs on (She and her husband run a company that repairs power generators and a whole lot of technical and mechanical stuff).
I went along with that deal since they needed my "communication skills", as the owner of the ship was a foreigner (Greek, I think) and both husband and wife were somewhat intimidated by the prospect of dealing with someone who speaks another language (we spoke in English, not Greek, in case you're wondering).
Anyway, we stayed onboard the cargo ship for about three days. It was not really a 'memorable experience' as one would define such but it afforded me some rare chances to take snapshots of the sky in that magical time when night succumbs to day.
Here are a few shots:

I have always been fascinated by the colors of the sky especially in the early mornings and late afternoons.

It's amazing how quickly its colors and hues can change right before your eyes without you noticing.
Take a look at these next three pictures. They were all taken from the same spot all within a 5-minute period.
Notice the moon glowing faintly on the first one?
And here are some shots from my own backyard one afternoon not very long ago.

And have you ever wondered how differently a single scene changes depending on the colors the sky paints it with at different parts of the day?
Not even Michaelangelo, Leonardo (and the rest of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...LOL!) can do justice to the beauty of the sky's ever changing palette.
Aint God wonderful for giving us such a canvass adorned with his own masterpiece as a canopy over our heads?