Thursday, October 23, 2008

Of Things Out Of Reach...

In that movie "Men of Honor" with Cuba Gooding Jr. and Robert De Niro, Cuba's character was asked what made him so determined to succeed in anything he set his mind to, and he said, "Because they told me I couldn't have it...

"That perhaps is the kind of character we need to be cultivating in ourselves.

When things just seem out of reach, outrightly impossible to achieve and when odds simply tell you, "You can't have it", that's the time we should silently recollect and ask ourselves, "How much do I want it?"

And if you want it bad enough, then go get it. as long as it is within the bounds of morality and ethics, then go ahead and get it. Own it. Live it. Enjoy it.

There is a sense of pure joy and victory here; when you're being discouraged right off the bat and you simply shake off the discouragement and set out to accomplish that which they say you cannot have. That's character.

But there simply are things that can not be had - and no measure of determination and character can make you have them.

But then again, most of the time, impossible just takes a little longer...

You just gotta have faith...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Of Kindness

Kindness is an act of goodness stemming from the inner recesses of the heart and comes out instinctively and spontaneously like spring waters and fruits in season. It needs no reason, nor does it need motivation.

Kindness and the ability to show it when least expected is proof of man's innate goodness and superiority as a specie.

The capacity for kindness requires intellect and high understanding - such as not consciously exercised but is exuded as an aura. It is an embedded program that kicks in at the right moment and at the right instance.

Notice that when you are in a situation where you are about to show kindness, there is always a small inkling of the question, "why?" To give in to the inkling means to hesitate and to debate with oneself on the act's veracity - thus diminishing the value of the act of kindness.

For it to be pure and true and worthwhile, kindness when gushing forth like living waters should not be stemmed, nor shall it be dammed. Let it pour to quench the fire in the world's throat and in the world's belly.


"If enduring pain, braving shame, despising one's self for the sake of affection and accepting misery without question is the definition of love - then, I LOVE YOU."
Marvin Jay M. Torres


Ever wondered what the air probably feels had it been gifted with consciousness?

He makes life possible for practically all living organisms but is almost always never noticed.

Well, I know how that feels...

Coffee Fix

I can't remember when I developed my steamy love affair with coffee.

All I know is that I've been drinking it forever.

There was even a time back in college when breakfast, for me, was just coffee and Marlboros. Whenever I felt like that was not enough, I'd whip up some orange juice to go with the coffee and the cigs.

I drink two mugs of coffee in the morning, a cup (since we don't have mugs) in the office by mid-morning, another cup by mid-afternoon, a mug once I get home and another mug at night while working late.

If what they say about coffee being healthy is true, then I should be in tip-top shape by now.

I wonder if my mom fed me coffee when I was a baby...


I'd better go ask her.

Learn to Live with It

There are people who come along in your life whom you don't simply meet - they "happen" in your life.

People who create impressions so profound that they're able to alter the very core of your being. People who become so ingrained in your lifestory - regardless of time and distance and everything in between - that when you're finally compelled by circumstance to move on without them, life takes on a pallor of incongruity. People who become, for you, the definition of living itself.

You don't die without these people. You don't get suddenly infected with an incurable melancholy and longing that blankets your psyche and drains you of all happiness and willingness to live. In fact, you may even learn to let go and you may get over the initial emptiness and start to live a rather fruitful life with those whom you really are destined to be with.

Worst case is that these people can be dismissed as mere novelties, passing fancies, just a phase...

But everytime memories collide with reality, the truth stares at you blatantly - and fiercely - daring you to stare back, daring you to deny, daring you.

You just learn to deal with it, go on with it, live with it.

As Easy as "Press Delete"

Your computer is slow. It takes forever to navigate from page to page. It takes twice of forever to access and open folders. It's almost impossible to wait for programs and applications to load. What do you do? You clean it, of course. Choose all unused icons in your system tray, desktop, and start up menu and simply press, "delete". Viola! Your pc would instantly act a lot better. Furthermore, open your internet options and optimize your I.P. by deleting cookies and temporary internet files. This is like pouring a gallon of liquid sosa into a clogged drain.

This also goes for cellphones (especially those with expandable memories). All you need to do is flag all unnecessary and unwanted messages, pictures, ringtones, mp3 files and the like, and press, "delete". Bingo! More efficient performance.

Unfortunately, it's a different case with your own memories - especially those stored in the heart. Try as you may, you never forget them. They stay with you forever. Sometimes they may lie dormant but as soon as these memories are stirred - even in the slightest manner, they come to life and they engulf you with the sheer intensity of longing.

There's no sense looking for a "delete" button because there's none.

You have no choice but to deal with the memories - and deal with them you must. Otherwise, you'll be consumed like dried leaves in an autumn fire - and all that will be left would be ashes carried away by a torrent of tears.

Of Chameleons and Men

Things aren't always as easy as they seem. As the Transformers tagline says, "More than meets the eye."

People who are able to do that are either experienced chameleons or on their way to becoming one. Be warned though, the road to creating an unbreakable facade is like a room full of mirrors. You can easily get lost in the maze of reflections and re-reflections and the result may be more grotesque than you expect.

A chameleon only blends with the background but it's essence remains the same. If you're able to change your appearance, you better know how to get back to what's real, because sooner than you'll expect, the thin line that separates the two becomes blurred and obfuscated until it totally vanishes. A strong anchor is necessary. Otherwise you'll never know where lies end and the truth begins.

Most people say they are strong enough to withstand temptation but even the strongest can only take so much. There will always be a point when something starts to give. And then everything shatters in an infinitesimal shower of confusion.

But get this, are you even sure that what you're resisting isn't the truthful reality you're supposed to be living? What if the life you're trapped in now is the lie? What if the reason why you can't let go of something, why fate shoves you the same old crap over and over again is because it's its way of telling you, "Hey dumbass! This is what's supposed to be for you! This is your destiny! Why can't you get it into that thick skull of yours!

"Everything changes drastically then, doesn't it?

Then again, I could be wrong.

Paradigm shift.

Of Goodbyes

Goodbye is probably the most overrated word in the world.

I mean why say it if you know you're going to meet again? Might as well say, "See you." or "Till we meet again." or anything to that effect except goodbye.

Especially if you know that no matter what you do, no matter how and where you hide, no matter how long it takes, you're going to meet up with someone again, why say "goodbye?"

It's a waste of 7 letters of the alphabet.

Worse still, some people even use it as an excuse to cover up for their confusion.

There's no such thing as "goodbye..."

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

the REAL joke...

For those who know me, I wonder if you can find the funniest post here... In fact, it's so funny, you'll probably throttle me because of it!

For those who don't know me, don't bother...