Tuesday, October 14, 2008

As Easy as "Press Delete"

Your computer is slow. It takes forever to navigate from page to page. It takes twice of forever to access and open folders. It's almost impossible to wait for programs and applications to load. What do you do? You clean it, of course. Choose all unused icons in your system tray, desktop, and start up menu and simply press, "delete". Viola! Your pc would instantly act a lot better. Furthermore, open your internet options and optimize your I.P. by deleting cookies and temporary internet files. This is like pouring a gallon of liquid sosa into a clogged drain.

This also goes for cellphones (especially those with expandable memories). All you need to do is flag all unnecessary and unwanted messages, pictures, ringtones, mp3 files and the like, and press, "delete". Bingo! More efficient performance.

Unfortunately, it's a different case with your own memories - especially those stored in the heart. Try as you may, you never forget them. They stay with you forever. Sometimes they may lie dormant but as soon as these memories are stirred - even in the slightest manner, they come to life and they engulf you with the sheer intensity of longing.

There's no sense looking for a "delete" button because there's none.

You have no choice but to deal with the memories - and deal with them you must. Otherwise, you'll be consumed like dried leaves in an autumn fire - and all that will be left would be ashes carried away by a torrent of tears.

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